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Price Books

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Manage Price Books

  1. Open the App Launcher by clicking the icon in the upper left hand corner of the page. Using the search bar, find SalesReady and select it to open the app.



  1. Navigate to the “SalesReady Configuration” tab


  1. Navigate to “Price Books”


  2. Use the drop down to select the price book you wish to view


  3. Here you can edit the specifics of the chosen price book

    1. Using the “Price Book Maximum Discount” field you can choose the maximum discount that can be given when creating a quote


    2. The search bar allows you to find specific products in the price book


    3. You can edit the price of individual products in the price book by using the “List Price” field


    4. You can also set the maximum discount for individual products using the “Maximum Discount” field


  4. When you are finished making edits to the price book, press the save button located in the upper section of the screen


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