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SalesReady Quoting Quickstart Guide

This quickstart guide is designed to provide the essential steps required to have you up and running with SalesReady Quoting as quick as possible. Each step will have link(s) to the detailed instructions as well as links to additional resources for further customization of SalesReady and/or Salesforce.

  1. Ensure you have met all the prerequisites for the installation and use of SalesReadyPrerequisites for Installing SalesReady

  2. Install SalesReady into your Salesforce environment Step-by-step Initial Installation Guide

  3. Assign licenses to users and/or admins Assigning Initial User License and License Management

  4. Assign user permissions User Permissions Setup

  5. Link SalesReady to Salesforce Linking SalesReady to Salesforce

  6. Create pricebooks and add products in your Salesforce environment Price Books Products

There must be products with associated pricing in your Salesforce environment in order to use SalesReady quoting

  1. Configure Salesforce opportunity object Using SalesReady to Create and Send Quotes

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